I Almost Gave Up Until....

I started this money-making journey in June last year thinking I would make it big on the internet. I did earn a lot but I experienced a 3-month slump. First, the opportunities for advertisements have stopped. Advertisers have also lowered their payouts. There are some money-making avenues that just disappeared and of course, the saddest part, is that there are a lot out there who are scamming people.

These are the reasons why I've temporarily left my blogs. I realized it was not worth it. A lot of time was wasted just by waiting for opportunities to turn up online.

In short, I almost gave up... until I got an email which really made my day. Blogsvertise gave me not one - but five opportunities in one week! My blog was alive again! I visited Reviewme and I was surprised to have even more. This means I have a big payout waiting for me in March! What a great way to revive my blogs!

Sadly, my promotion has affected the way I manage my blogging time. But it's alright. It's still what I wanted right? Ha ha. What I am planning to do now is to just manage two blogs: Boink and Pikabucks. Goodbye for now Wikipika.

I've been busy...

It's everyone's excuse! I just realized that my last blog entry on this site was last 30 November. That's almost 3 months ago! No wonder I lost readers and my PR rating of 1 hahaha! I am back in the game and surprisingly, so are my blogs. I wouldn't be going back to blogging if it weren't for the emails I've been getting from advertisers who are asking me to write posts for them.

THANK YOU. It's nice to still see my blogs earn money like they did some months ago. So, I will make this promise again. No matter how much sleep I lose I will start updating Boink and Pikabucks regularly. And if I have more time, maybe I will post more on Wikipika too.