In 2008, I started my online quest for the best opportunities online. Seven years later, I'm still learning! I have proven that I can keep a regular job AND still manage an online business. Through my online adventures I have done the following:
- paid for my sibling's tuition
- gone shopping (many times!)
- tried new restaurants (yum!)
- contributed to my travel fund
- poured some dough into my usually short-lived savings account
YES, starting out is not easy. It never is! As long as you persevere and keep trying, you will end up getting what you want in life. Agree? Si!
Case in point: at the peak of my blogging "career", I was earning somewhere between $500 to $1000 a month. (If you think that's low, remember that this started as a gig on top of my regular job.) However, I went through a several career jumps, a massive loss in my family and a host of other challenges that I had no choice but to put my online business on hold.
Fast forward to 2015, I revitalized my blogs. I joined several sites where you can earn money online and now, I am slowly starting to make money online again!
May the $$$ be with you,