PayPal Earnings Report #3

It has been absolutely crazy in the blogging industry (yes - it has become an industry whether you like it or not). First of all, I lost my PR some months ago and the opportunities online just disappeared. It made me kinda depressed. I used to lose sleep over articles not being finished and payments not being sent to my PayPal account. Good thing my blogs are back in the game and so is my PayPal account. I am happy to report that I still earned some bucks in March 2009:

I know it's not much but hey - it still pays for my cellphone bills (which reminds me I need to pay that next week) plus maybe a couple of other bills and a nice dinner. To date, I have proven that I can really make a lot of money online. The key is to keep blogging and keep accepting opportunities. Here's a breakdown of all the earnings I received through my PayPal account since I started monetizing my blogs:

See what blogging has done to my life? It paid for a lot of bills, bought milk for a couple of babies, paid for my little sister's tuition, and still allowed me to enjoy a few blockbuster movies. Wow! I am looking forward to earning more PikaBucks!


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Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia said...

wow, you have a lot of earning upto 4 digits. I wonder i could do the same way like you too.