First: A Disclaimer

Hi, my name is Pika. I've been blogging since 2000. I've used other blogging formats like livejournal, blogger, bravejournal, easyjournal, even wordpress. Over the years, I've abandoned my other journals and focused on only two. This will be my 3rd 'active' journal and it is here that I will share my money-making adventure online: the search for the golden nugget.

I'd like to begin with a disclaimer: like I said, I am sharing MY own experience. It'll be great if you'll learn from any of the posts but let me tell you that I'm also new to this kind of business. I don't want to call myself an expert but let's just say I've already earned my first dollar (wink wink) and so I'd like to share how I got my second, third and nth.

My other blogs are BoobooStrider and Boink. Feel free to visit these blogs while I begin writing my posts for this blog.

As for the sponsors you see on this blog, I will talk about each and every one of them really soon.