I Almost Gave Up Until....

I started this money-making journey in June last year thinking I would make it big on the internet. I did earn a lot but I experienced a 3-month slump. First, the opportunities for advertisements have stopped. Advertisers have also lowered their payouts. There are some money-making avenues that just disappeared and of course, the saddest part, is that there are a lot out there who are scamming people.

These are the reasons why I've temporarily left my blogs. I realized it was not worth it. A lot of time was wasted just by waiting for opportunities to turn up online.

In short, I almost gave up... until I got an email which really made my day. Blogsvertise gave me not one - but five opportunities in one week! My blog was alive again! I visited Reviewme and I was surprised to have even more. This means I have a big payout waiting for me in March! What a great way to revive my blogs!

Sadly, my promotion has affected the way I manage my blogging time. But it's alright. It's still what I wanted right? Ha ha. What I am planning to do now is to just manage two blogs: Boink and Pikabucks. Goodbye for now Wikipika.


Kim said...

Hey Pika!

http://vo-kim-bulary.livejournal.com/ - that's my LJ URL. :)

Spektrumdunia | Online News said...

You are an inspriation to all of us. Thanks for sharing.
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